4 Podcasts To Help Heal Your Relationship With Food

About a year ago, I started being interested in podcasts. I now play them during my commute in the car or on the subway. Since discovering podcasts, I have found many which focus on helping listeners heal their relationship with food and foster body positivity. Although there are many amazing podcasts out there, I thought I would present 4 podcasts I have really enjoyed.


Love, Food Podcast

by Julie Duffy Dillon

Julie is an award winning dietitian and food behaviour expert. In this unique podcast, Julie invites listeners to write letters to food explaining their complicated relationship with food and their body. She then addresses the main issues in the letters providing tips, insight and lots of compassion. She also invites various guests to provide their perspective and resources. Letters address various topics such a binge eating, emotional eating, weight preoccupation and diet culture. You can learn more and listen to the podcast here.



Dietitians Unplugged

by Glenys Oysten and Aaron Flores

Glenys and Aaron are both dietitians who believe in promoting wellness from a Health at Every Size® and intuitive eating perspective. They discuss a variety of topics to inspire listeners to give up diets forever, embrace body respect and learn to eat intuitively. Both Aaron and Glenys talk a lot about their personal experiences with dieting and food obsession and how it led them to become HAES® dietitians. A truly amazing duo! Check them out here




Life. Unrestricted.

by Meret Boxler

Although this is a newer podcast, Life. Unrestricted. has quickly become a favourite in the body positivity/Health at Every Size® community. Meret describes herself as a "42 years old writer and ex-radio DJ that is currently on a mission to heal [her] mind and body from diet-culture." In this podcast, Meret invites fabulous guests to share their perspective on diet culture, Health at Every Size®, body acceptance, size discrimination and intuitive eating. Her authenticity and kindness shine through in every episode. To find Meret's podcast and work, click here



Food Psych

by Christy Harrison

Christy Harrison is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She created Food Psych as a way to help people make peace with food. Christy speaks to some of the leading experts in the areas of eating disorders, intuitive eating, weight stigma, nutrition and more. She often invites her guests to share the story of their own relationship with food, as well as resources and knowledge. The podcast now has over 70 episodes and is starting its fourth season. You can find out more about this superb podcast here.



There it is! I hope you are inspired to give these fantastic podcasts a listen. We can never have too many tools when trying to make peace with food. Please note that this list is far from exhaustive. There are many other podcasts I enjoy, so stay tuned for Part 2! 

Do you have a favourite podcast on diet culture, feminism, intersectionality, body positivity, fat activism, intuitive eating or Health at Every Size®? I would love to hear from you in the comments!